Master in Mobile Computing
Pontifical University of Salamanca
Specialized in the development of Android, IOS and hybrid applications.
Specialized in the development of Android, IOS and hybrid applications.
Specialized in web development, videogames and multimedia content creation (image, video, etc.)
Frontend development of Europcar web application with Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Typescript and CSS. International car rental web application. Best practices and testing with Jest, Vue test utils, Playright, etc.
Frontend development of a web application with Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Typescript and CSS. Implementation of a content creation platform.
Development and maintenance of banking applications using JSP, Java, Spring Webflow and Oracle SQL
Development and maintenance of telephony applications using JSP, Javascript and Java, for the web part, and Cobol as well as DB2 and SQL Server database management for the Host part.
Development and maintenance of a telephony ERP using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and database management with MySQL.
Development and maintenance of a telephony ERP using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and database management with MySQL.
3D modelling
Video game
3D Modeling
3D Modeling
Web page
Web page
Web page
Web page